
Online ISTQB Training

Master the Essentials of Software Testing with Online ISTQB Training

Elevate your skills and career prospects from anywhere with comprehensive courses at Get Software Services

Introduction to ISTQB Training

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) is the globally recognized authority for software testing certifications. Its mission is to standardize testing practices, promote best practices, and enhance the skills of testing professionals worldwide. The ISTQB certification is widely accepted in over 130 countries, providing a common language and methodology for testing, regardless of geographical location or organizational context. 

The ISTQB syllabus is meticulously designed to provide a structured learning path for testers, covering various aspects of testing, including fundamentals, life cycle integration, static testing techniques, dynamic testing techniques, test management, and tool support. By adhering to ISTQB standards, certified testers contribute to better software quality assurance by following standardized testing processes.

The ISTQB certification offers several benefits:

  • Industry Standardization: ISTQB defines a common language and methodology for testing, ensuring that testers follow best practices consistently across organizations.
  • Career Advancement: ISTQB certification enhances your marketability, as employers value certified testers for their standardized knowledge and skills, leading to better job prospects and career growth.
  • Global Recognition: The ISTQB certification is accepted worldwide, qualifying you for testing roles in over 130 countries, providing global mobility and opportunities.
  • Structured Learning: The ISTQB syllabus provides a comprehensive learning path, covering various testing aspects in-depth, ensuring a solid foundation in software testing.
  • Quality Assurance: ISTQB-certified testers contribute to better software quality by following standardized testing processes, leading to improved software reliability and customer satisfaction.

Get Software Services (GSS) offers a comprehensive ISTQB Online Training program designed to help you achieve the globally recognized ISTQB certification and enhance your software testing skills.

Quick Enquiry

    About Get Software Services (GSS)

    At Get Software Services (GSS), we are more than just a training institute – we are your partners in professional growth. Our mission revolves around empowering testers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in the dynamic field of software testing.

    We follow a quality-centric approach, ensuring that our learners are well-prepared for real-world challenges. Our experienced instructors bridge the gap between theory and practice by sharing real-world insights, case studies, and hands-on exercises. We believe that testing is not just about theoretical concepts; it’s about practical application and effective implementation.

    GSS offers customized learning journeys, catering to the unique needs of each learner. Whether you’re a fresh graduate exploring testing or an experienced tester aiming for career advancement, our tailored training solutions cater to your specific requirements.

    We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective, and we strive to provide personalized learning experiences.

    With a global reach and local impact, we’ve trained professionals from diverse backgrounds in the USA and Canada. Our learners benefit from a rich learning environment, where they exchange ideas and learn from peers across borders, fostering a collaborative and diverse learning experience.

    ISTQB Course Overview

    At GSS, we offer a comprehensive ISTQB Online Training program designed to equip testers with practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Our course covers essential topics to enhance your testing expertise, ensuring you are well-prepared for the ISTQB certification exam.

    1. Fundamentals of Testing:
      • Core Principles: Gain a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of testing, including verification, validation, and defect detection.
      • Testing Terminology: Explore essential testing terminology in-depth, such as test cases, test scripts, test data, and their importance in the testing process.
      • Testing Objectives: Learn why testing is crucial for ensuring software quality and reliability, and its role in the software development life cycle.
      • SDLC Integration: Understand how testing fits into various software development life cycle (SDLC) models and its integration at different stages.
    2. Testing Throughout the Life Cycle:
      • SDLC Models: Dive into different SDLC models (Waterfall, Agile, V-Model, etc.) and their specific testing requirements and approaches.
      • Test Levels: Explore various test levels (unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing) in-depth, their objectives, and their role in ensuring software quality.
      • Role of Testing: Understand the critical role of testing at each stage of software development, and its impact on project success.
    3. Static Testing:
      • Techniques: Learn about static testing techniques in-depth, including code reviews, inspections, walkthroughs, and their importance in early defect detection.
      • Quality Assurance: Explore how static testing contributes to overall quality assurance and its role in improving software reliability.
      • Defect Prevention: Understand how early defect detection through static testing impacts software quality and reduces costs associated with late-stage defect resolution.
    4. Testing Techniques:
      • Categorization: Classify test techniques into black-box, white-box, and experience-based, and understand their respective strengths and applications.
      • Test Case Design: Master advanced techniques for designing effective test cases, covering various testing approaches and methodologies.
      • Dynamic Testing: Explore dynamic testing methods in-depth, including functional, non-functional, and regression testing, and their role in ensuring software quality.
    5. Test Management:
      • Organizing Testing Efforts: Learn how to create comprehensive test plans, estimate testing efforts, define testing scope, and align testing objectives with project goals.
      • Monitoring and Control: Understand how to monitor test progress effectively, track defects, and adjust testing strategies as needed to ensure timely resolution.
      • Risk Management: Identify and assess project risks related to testing, and learn effective risk mitigation strategies through comprehensive testing practices.

    Our ISTQB Online Training program at GSS aims to equip testers with practical skills and theoretical knowledge, ensuring that participants are well-prepared for the ISTQB certification exam and real-world testing challenges.

    Key Features

    1. Practical Learning Emphasis:
      • Hands-On Exercises: Our ISTQB Online Training goes beyond theory. Participants actively engage in hands-on exercises, applying testing concepts to real-world scenarios, ensuring a practical understanding of the subject matter.
      • Case Studies: Explore practical case studies that mirror industry challenges. Learn how to tackle complex testing situations effectively by analyzing real-world examples and best practices.
    2. Customized Learning Paths:
      • Tailored Solutions: We recognize that every learner is unique, with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and learning preferences. Whether you’re a manual tester exploring automation or a seasoned QA professional seeking advanced techniques, our courses adapt to your specific needs, providing tailored learning solutions.
      • Individual Pace: Learn at your own pace. Our flexible approach ensures that you get the most out of each session, allowing you to progress at a comfortable rate, ensuring effective knowledge retention and skill development.
    1. Qualified Instructors:
      • Industry Practitioners: Our trainers are not just educators; they are practitioners with extensive experience in software testing, having worked on real-world projects across various domains.
      • Real-World Insights: Benefit from their practical insights, best practices, and tips for success in the testing field. Our instructors share their experiences, challenges, and lessons learned, providing a holistic understanding of the testing landscape.
    2. Beyond ISTQB: Additional Skills:
      • Web Services: Understand web-based applications and APIs, and their role in modern software development and testing.
      • SoapUI: Master API testing using SoapUI, a popular tool for testing web services, ensuring the reliability and functionality of APIs.
      • Rest API: Dive into RESTful API testing, a crucial skill for testing modern web applications and services.
      • Agile & Scrum: Learn how testing integrates with Agile methodologies, including Scrum, and understand the role of testers in Agile projects.
    3. Global Recognition:
      • ISTQB Certification: Our ISTQB Online Training prepares you for the globally recognized ISTQB certification, ensuring that your skills and knowledge are validated by an international body.
      • Marketability: Boost your career prospects with a certification recognized by employers worldwide, enhancing your marketability and increasing job opportunities.
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    ISTQB Course Curriculum

    • About ISTQB
    • Why ISTQB
    • Objective of the Course
    • References
    • Exam Structure
    • Syllabus
    • Tips for exam preparation
    • K1, K2 and K3 question samples
    • What is Testing?
    • Why is Testing Necessary?
    • Seven Testing Principal
    • Test Process
    • The Psychology of Testing
    • SDLC Models
    • Test Levels
    • Test Types
    • Maintenance Testing
    • Static Testing Basics
    • Review Process
    • Review Types
    • Roles and Responsibility in Review Process
    • Success factor of review
    • Categories of Test Techniques
    • Blackbox Test Techniques
    • White Box Test Techniques
    • Experience Based Test Techniques
    • Test Organization
    • Test Planning and Estimation
    • Test Monitoring and Control
    • Configuration Management
    • Risk and Testing
    • Defect Management
    • Test Tool Considerations
    • Effective use of Tools

    Quick Enquiry

      Who Should Take This Course?

      GSS provides a comprehensive and practical ISTQB Online Training program that equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary for the globally recognized ISTQB certification and success in the software testing field. This training is tailored for a diverse audience, catering to various skill levels and career aspirations:

      1. Aspiring Testers:
        • Fresh Graduates: If you’re new to testing, this course provides a solid foundation. You’ll learn industry-standard practices, gain practical skills, and be well-prepared for entry-level testing roles.
        • Career Switchers: Transitioning from another field? The ISTQB certification opens doors to exciting testing roles, providing a structured learning path and globally recognized credentials.
      2. Experienced Testers:
        • QA Professionals: Enhance your existing knowledge with ISTQB principles and best practices. Stay updated with the latest testing methodologies and industry trends.
        • Manual Testers: Expand your skill set by learning automation techniques, test automation frameworks, and tools, enabling you to take on more diverse testing roles.
        • Test Leads and Managers: Gain in-depth knowledge of test management, risk assessment, and efficient resource allocation. Learn how to plan, organize, and lead testing efforts effectively for successful project delivery.
      3. Software Developers:
        • Understanding Testing: Developers benefit from understanding testing processes and techniques. It improves collaboration with testers and fosters a better understanding of quality assurance practices.
        • Test Automation: Learn how to write effective test scripts and integrate them into the development process, enabling efficient and continuous testing throughout the software lifecycle.
      4. Project Managers:
        • Quality Assurance: Gain insights into quality assurance practices, testing methodologies, and their impact on project success, enabling better decision-making and risk mitigation.
        • Resource Allocation: Understand how testing impacts project timelines and resource allocation, allowing for effective planning and optimized resource utilization.
      5. Anyone Seeking Global Certification:
        • Marketability: The ISTQB certification enhances your resume and increases job prospects, making you a more attractive candidate in a competitive job market.
        • Formal Recognition: The certification is a formal acknowledgment of your testing expertise, validated by a globally recognized body, adding credibility to your skills.

      Additionally, Get Software Services provides a 7-Day Free Demo, allowing you to experience our ISTQB Online Training firsthand before committing. This trial period lets you assess the course content, delivery, and instructors, ensuring a well-informed decision about your learning journey.

      Why Choose Get Software Services for Online ISTQB Training

      Expert Instructors

      • Our trainers are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in software testing, having worked on diverse projects across various industries.
      • They bring real-world insights, practical examples, and industry best practices to the classroom, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of testing challenges and solutions.

      Comprehensive Curriculum

      • Our ISTQB Online Training course covers the entire syllabus in-depth, ensuring you're well-prepared for the certification exam and beyond.
      • From fundamentals to advanced topics, we leave no stone unturned, equipping you with a solid foundation and the latest testing methodologies.

      Hands-On Approach

      • We emphasize practical learning by providing hands-on exercises and real-world projects, allowing you to apply your knowledge and skills in a simulated environment.
      • You'll write test cases, troubleshoot issues, and work on realistic scenarios, ensuring that theory translates into practical expertise.

      Customized Learning

      • Whether you're a beginner or an experienced tester, our training adapts to your needs and learning preferences.
      • Tailored solutions ensure that you get the most out of each session, maximizing your learning potential and addressing your specific areas of interest or concern.

      Beyond ISTQB: Additional Skills

      • Web Services: Understand web-based applications and APIs, enabling you to test modern software systems effectively.
      • SoapUI: Master API testing using SoapUI, a widely-used tool for testing web services, expanding your testing toolkit.
      • Rest API: Dive into RESTful API testing, a crucial skill for testing contemporary web applications and services.
      • Agile & Scrum: Learn how testing integrates with Agile methodologies, including Scrum, ensuring you're well-prepared for modern software development environments.

      Global Recognition

      • The ISTQB certification is accepted worldwide, opening doors to global job opportunities and providing you with a competitive edge in the international job market.
      • Employers value certified testers who adhere to industry standards, recognizing the quality of your skills and knowledge.

      Join us on your testing journey at Get Software Services, where we provide comprehensive ISTQB Online Training, practical experience, and global recognition to help you succeed in the dynamic field of software testing.

      Our Clientele



      Rajesh Galla

      ” Get Software Service Instructors are great! They also provide all the services you need to cement the knowledge shared. “


      Leelya Gummadi

      ” An excellent training with detailed presentation, practical examples, useful information about related activities, an experienced trainer. “


      Haider Bangash

      ” Best Teacher , Best service . Madhu Sir you are great . i recommend all of you guys to try his services , take demo classes , i bet you will love him. Regards: Imran “


      Papia Chowdhury

      ” A great place to start a new career . Very prompt response. One on one homework help is very useful. Easy to understand lectures even if you are coming from a different background. “


      Sowmya Jess Prasanth

      ” Mr. Tummala is a dedicated instructor who makes a sincere effort in explaining everything in a simple and easy to understand manner. Coming from a completely non-IT background I had no difficulty in following the classes. He responds promptly to emails and voice messages and is always ready to answer your questions or clarify anything you didn’t understand. The QTP instructor, Meghana was an equally good teacher and very knowledgeable. I consider my money well spent. “


      Chanakya Bodepudi

      ” I strongly recommend these classes if you are new to IT testing. Teachers are very knowledgeable and follow very good teaching methods. You almost get an in class learning experience. I personally felt very useful about the one on one discussion & homework review sessions.”

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      Quick Enquiry


        No, prior experience is not mandatory. Our course caters to both beginners and experienced testers. We cover fundamental concepts and advanced techniques, ensuring a solid learning foundation regardless of your background.

        The duration varies based on your learning pace. On average, participants complete the course within 4-6 weeks. However, our flexible approach allows you to learn at your own speed, ensuring effective knowledge retention and skill development.

        You’ll receive comprehensive study materials, including presentations, practice exercises, sample questions, and real-world case studies. We also recommend additional resources for self-study, ensuring you have access to a wealth of learning materials.

        No, the certification exam fee is separate. You can register for the ISTQB exam independently through the official ISTQB website. Our GSS ISTQB Online Training program prepares you thoroughly for the exam, providing you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

        Yes, we provide post-training support. You can reach out to our instructors for clarifications, guidance, and assistance even after completing the course. We’re committed to your success and are here to support you throughout your testing journey.